Friday, December 10, 2010


It seems the pro-life arguement is winning. People have come to value life to a more extreme in the past few years. I think this may have something to do with all the war and sensitivity toward life since September 11, 2001. I personally feel the pro-choice arguement is stronger in  general. I think no arguement can trump women's safety and right to choose what they do with their own bodies. No 60 year old man in Congress has the right to make decisions about what women do with their bodies. Pro-life believers have a point in saying that everyone should be informed of the consequences and everything that will happen during their surgery. They should be aware because in any surgery you should be aware of all that will happen and be educated on it. I think it is so wrong that some places are giving misleading information to prevent abortions.

I think no matter what women should have a right to choose what they do with their bodies. This does not necessarily mean I am pro-abortion, it just means that if the women feels it is the right thing to do to not have the baby then that is her choice. There are many cases where the baby was very much unexpected, unwanted, or will not be affordable with the income of the family. This pregnacy affects the whole family not just the girl. Therefore, parents should have to give consent if the kid is under 18. No matter what they should be made aware that their daughter is pregnant reguardless of age because it is morally right.

The mom for sure should be notified. Although the father is a man, I feel he should be notified, especially if he is paying for it. If the lady is not living with her father or not close with him, it should not be required. But I think that it is necessary.

Illinois's abortion laws do not do enough to protect the safety of women getting abortions enough. Also, it makes rules against certain people getting abortion counseling and rights. Illinois has some laws supporting both sides of abortion. I disagree with all the laws that prevent women from choosing or that try and convince them out of what they are doing. There are insurance issues too.Women should all have the right to choose. Abortions should be more accessable to women, many of the laws make it harder for women to go through with the process and less safe. I do agree with abortion being legal in Illinois. Also, they allow for emergency contraception. It is accessable to low income women. I think the laws need to be adjusted a little in order to reduce any guilt and forceful measures in this important and emotional decision.