Sunday, September 19, 2010

911 Documentary

This Documentary makes me recall my vivid memory of September 11, 2001. The horror, the cries, and the confusion from that day is unforgettable. This attack was something that blind-sided all of America. America was forever scarred. People were lost and security was majorly increased. I remember where I was, what I said, what was said to me, what I felt, and what I did that day. I was sitting at my counter and my mom gave me breakfast. We were watching the news and all of the sudden it was interrupted by the second plane smashing into the building. My mom and I were in shock. As a third grader I had no clue what exactly had just happened. I went to my bus stop in disbelief that there was a detrimental crash. At school we were made aware of the situation and had a moment of silence. I remember having indoor recess and no one really understood the extent of what had happened yet. When I got home it was all over the news. I am sad when others are upset or hurt, so immediately my shock turned into a desperate need to help and pure sadness for all those people who lost their lives, people that had lost love ones, and those who lost everything due to this attack. This attack was an unforgivable one. If this attack affected me the way it did from thousands of miles away, I can't imagine how the people who were personally affected felt. This documentary gave me a sense of how New Yorkers dealt with the attack. They became more unified than ever. They came together to lend a helping hand to one another and get each other through the rough times. This brought warmth to my heart. People opening up to one another is key to a great nation. On the other hand, all of the individual personal stories talked about broke my heart. Very few people didn't know someone killed in this incident. The kids in this movie stuck out to me the most. They seemed very intelligent and although they were younger they had real and raw emotions on the situation. They were full of pure anger and dislike for the people responsible. This movie reminded me how angry I am about 911.

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