Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Speech Codes

Speech codes are necessary in order to protect student's rights of speech. The First Amendment ensures freedom of speech. Speech codes regulate what may be said and how things may be expressed because people stretch and interpret their first amendment rights too loosely many times. Any action or speech that makes someone feel uncomfortable and unsafe should be prohibited. People pay good money to attend universities and have the right to learned in a peaceful environment. There was a case in Auburn, Alabama where people dressed up and mock people because of their race. This is not acceptable. I agree with the University of Michigan's policy reguarding this issue. The policy prohibits "Any behavior, verbal or physical,...that victimizes an individual on the basis of race,ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation,creed...and that... creates an intimidating, hostile, or demeaning environment for educational pursuits, employment or participation in University sponsored extra-curricular activities." Those who disturb the peace should have consequences. No one is any better than anyone else. Everyone is equal and should be treated with respect. There is always the case where rules are too strict and violating people's freedom of speech, but it is better to have too many rules ensuring peace and adjusting so that everyone feels free and not too limited, than allowing people to be hurt and discriminated against for unjust reasons.

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