Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Class Discussion- Drug Testing

The other day in class we got punked. We were told Deerfield was going to make everyone involved in extracurricular activities take a Drug test. I had mixed feelings about this information. I thought this would help the drug problem in the school, and that is a positive. At the same time, I felt this was to an extent, a violation of privacy rights. I also felt that if some people should have to drug test, it is only fair that the rest of the school should too. I do not agree with the privacy invasion of how the test is conducted. I do not think it is necessary for people to stand and listen to other people's business. There is no trust if people think that these students would do something to alter the test. At the same time, this policy would help encourage people not to do drugs. This would be great, but many people would quit extracurricular activities in order to continue their drug usage. Also, if one school is required to drug test they all should be. It is not right to single out one school when every other school has these same problems. If one school is drug free playing a team full of kids on steroids the game is no longer fair. All or none should be required to drug test. I think it may be best to leave drug testing to the police and keep it out of the school's hands. I have mixed feelings about this policy.

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