Monday, October 25, 2010

Bullying Response

     Jamie Nobozny's case really struck me. I could not believe someone was really bullied to that extent. I bet plenty of people were gay in that town, yet, poor Jamie was the chosen target for bullies. Being gay is a sexual orientation people are born with. To some, being gay is shameful because that is the belief of their religion. In truth, being gay does not define someone, it is just part of them. It is not a sickness and not contagious. Nothing is wrong with Jamie. These kids were too immature to accept anyone who was different from them. I thought the kids should have harsh consequences, and especially the one who beat him so bad he had to get surgery. The most shocking part was when a former bully, now in jail, went up to the stand. He admitted to all the bullying he had done to Jamie. This made me happy, even though the stuff he did to him was vulgar and hard to listen to, because now he was able to in a way make up for some of the things he did by being honest and helping Jamie win his case. When Jamie won I was proud and happy for him.
     Jeffrey Johnston broke up with a girl in 7th grade, just as many had in their lifetimes. As a result, he was bullied continuously for the next few years. He was bullied online and someone hacked onto his video game and made horrible comments. He grew his hair long only to help out the chairty, Locks of Love. He was also very tall and got bullied for that as well. As a result of the constant bullying, he hanged himself at age 15. Currently, there is a website in his memory helping give resources and helps to make the school environment safe for students. It especially focuses on the dangers of bully and provides ways to help kids. There was a "Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up for Students Act" in Florida made in his memory which demands schools make rules to stop bullying and have anti-bullying policies. His mom speaks to schools about her son to try and prevent this from happening to anyone else.
      I have not seen bullying at DHS to be a problem. There is only one specific incident I can recall. I remember when I was a freshamn or sophmore these older kids were being rude to this boy in my grade. This boy is one who sort of picks fights and is a little controversial. Yet, he is very nice. This boy was arguing with these kids calmly and one spit on his face. It was disgusting. I remember I said out loud in front of them that was uncalled for and went over to the kid and asked if he was okay. He was fine but I still thought I should make sure. Other than that incident, I do not remember much bullying. Of course, there are pep rally and days like that where seniors go crazy and joke around to younger kids, but that is all in good fun. It does not go much beyond that. On a typical school day, I never see bullying. I never see cyberbullying either. I talked to Dean Chamberlain because I asked if that really goes on, and he told me I'd be surprised how often it really does go on.
      I think DHS should have a "Challenge Day." As dumb as the show in general seemed, this day actually sounds like a good idea. It would be a way to unite the school. The school is not too cliquey or segreated but, in general, people tend to stick within their own groups. Although this is fine, people should all get to know each other. People judge and make assumptions all the time without even knowing people or what has happened to them. I think everyone should have an experience like that at least once in their lives.


1 comment:

  1. How do you decide when bullying is "all in good fun" like at the pep rally and where it is actually harmful?
