Monday, November 8, 2010

Death Penalty Movie Response

I am not a supporter of the death penalty. I do not think a country that values life so much should be condoning the death penalty. It is hypacritical. Boggess's execution confused and tore me on the issue. He murdered two innocent old men in order to get money. When killing them he did some overkill because a part of him enjoyed it and he was proud to be brutal. He bragged about his killing. He also said he was "mentally aware" while he was doing his killing. He haunted these men's families and friends and ruined their lives. He threatened Pheobe, his girlfriend, that if she ever told anyone he would kill her. She ended up turning him in as anyone should. He was emotionless without a care in the world. He was crazy. These reasons are all what made me feel that he should be punished with the death penalty. He felt no remorce and therefore, was not a safe human to be on this planet.
On the other hand, he was a changed man during his time on death row. He became very involved in religion. He learned that he must come to terms with what he did and tell the truth. He admitted to sobbing about what he had done to these men and essentially knowing that they felt his remorce and forgave him for his brutality. He became humble. He also had a rough childhood which led to many of the issues that drove him to insanity. He was an orphan and never met his mom. He was always pretty isolated in his town. He had intense nightmares. He was sent away and never truly felt part of his family. The little boy inside him was wonderful. He was a great student, went to church, was an athlete, he was smart, sweet, and an extremely talented musician, as well as artist. He did what he could to make it up to these families, even though obviously nothing would bring their loved ones back. I do believe because of the horrible crimes he comitted he does deserve life in prison, but I am still torn about whether or not his life should have been stripped of him. Normally I oppose the death penalty 100 percent, but this case is so complex that it is hard to say what exactly the proper punishment was.

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