Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dancers with Eating Disorders


This video really got to me. I remember seeing the movie Center Stage which is part of the clip in this video. I remember that was the first time I figured out what exactly an eating disorder was. The star dancer of the company (not the star of the film) was throwing up everything she ate. She tried pizza for the first time and loved it, but of course threw it up. There was a lot of pressure from her mom to be skinny and be the best. In truth, she did not love dance anymore. She was fulfilling her mom's dream. She was hurting herself for something she was good at and didn't have the heart for. Other girls were told they were too fat to stay in the school or to make it as a professional. The pressure all the girls went through to be a dancer caused many of them to have issues and harm themselves. Annorexia is extrememly common among ballerinas. The ballerina image more than any other type of dancer is to be long and skinny. This is so they can be lifted by men and because it is pretty. This image isn't meant for all people, some people are big boned and will never look like that. This movie, as a dancer, made me think. I never want to end up like that. I have been very fortunate with my family history and environment, which has caused me to have very few issues. As a dancer, I eat very healthy but I also know that it is okay to treat myself. I am not a ballerina but I do ballet. It is good to be muscular, healthy, and strong.

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