Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dramatic changes

Eating disorders have become increasingly common among adolescense. In these years they tend to be more self-conscious about how they look and our uncomfortable in their skin. "This can be especially true when they are going through puberty, and undergo dramatic physical changes and face new social pressures" ( Adolescence are becoming more and more obsessed with their appearance. Young woman are the most prone to having an eating disorder. There are ways parents can help prevent these disorders from occuring. They can help by "nurturing their self-esteem, and encouraging healthy attitudes, about nutrition and appearance. Help must be solicited immediately. One of the main problems is that these kids are normally good at hiding these disorders for months or even years from their families and friends. They are very common in the US. 1 or 2 out of every 100 kids will struggle with one, most commonly annorexia or bulimia. Also, excessive excercise is an eating disorder as well as self-induced vomiting or laxative use. People with annorexia tend to be underweight while people with bulimia tend to maintain a normal weight. "Binge eating disorders, food phobia, and body image disorders are also becoming increasingly common in adolescense."

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