Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wasted- blog 2

Eating disorders are addictions. This book was written to show that many people's notions about eating disorders aren't exactly the truth. It is brushed off as much less than it is. Many times  as immaturity, madness, or a normal adolescent issue. It may in some cases be partly due to these things, but it is never just that. These are life and death situations. Little therapy and a pill will not just take it away. It is much deeper than that. Hornbacher writes about her experience hoping to prevent others to choose the same route that she did. She says that she would do anything to keep them from it. People need to learn to love their bodies and be comfortable with who they are. Eating disorders haunt people and they must be treated with extreme care. "You would rather be a human than a human's thin shell" (Hornbacher). Eating disorders affect every day life. It can change your beliefs and what you do and how you do it every day. She said the "mirror phase" of her adolescent days dominated her life. Body and image was all that crossed her mind. Everyone worries about what they look like at one point or another, but for her it became an addiction and obsession.

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