Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wasted- Blog 3

Her intention during some of her relapses was not to lose weight. One time it was all internal. It was an exploration of the extent of hunger. Other times she would eat all that she could and be very unhealthy, but then throw it up. She would act completely normal and hide her throwing up. She had used to be closely monitored by everyone, but now she had freedom. She played it off like she had made a full recovery and did not have to seek help every two weeks. This scares me. She is clearly a good actor if she can make everyone believe she has recovered. No one even suspected her she was acting so well. She is very sneaky. She would throw up after school when no one was home. She would binge eat, then purge. People were fooled into thinking she was comfortable enough to eat unhealthy at times. All the warning signs I learned about while doing my project were there though. Eating disorders are addictions and do not go away over night.

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