Friday, January 7, 2011

Tweak #3

So far this book has been page after page about Nic doing drugs and getting involved with the wrong people. It is alot of the same thing over and over. He is injecting himself with horrible drugs and it is truly disgusting me. Nic is now trying to sell nasty drugs in order to make a lot of money with his friend. He is going to people who are fresh out of jail as his drug hookups. He said," It is my decision what to do with my life." This struck me because he knows he has control over his life but won't change his ways. He admitted that he has thrown his life away. At this point he feels he is incapable of change but knows he has serious problems. Now everyone has realized that he has relapsed so it became reality. It was out that he was no longer clean. The part that struck me in my reading today was his reflection on his past with his family, specifically his step mom. He described such a normal loving family and memories that he had. He talked about genuinely looking forward to time with his family friends and gently getting the little kids off of them as he'd play with them. He also recalled the first time him and his step mom hung out just them two. They spent quality time and got a long really well. This is not typically what you read in books the kids tend to not like their step moms. I thought that showed that he was an accepting and real nice kid. They would crack jokes all the time and he mentioned that he respects her so much. Then, when he was hallucinating from drugs he thought he saw her and was upset by the disappointment she had in him. Because he cares this shows that he has not completely crossed over and lost himself.

This reminded me of the death penalty debates. Many people argued that the things the person being prosecuted did were horrible but that does not make them horrible people. They argued that there is still a little kid inside these people who is innocent and a good person at heart. This is how I feel about Nic. He may do horrible things but I know that he still cares about his family and wishes he wasn't addicted to drugs. By the memories he describes he seems to have been a really good kid. I think it is so sad that he is on drugs and I hope to see a recovery as the book continues.

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