Monday, January 10, 2011

Tweak #5

Finally, Nic gets help. He is prescribed on medications to help some of his illnesses going on mentally after talking to a doctor for only fifty minutes. He ended up taking medicine for depression and being bipolar to help treat it. His family is away together and Nic was on his road to recovery. It warmed his heart how his siblings looked out for each other. It also warmed his heart when his brother explained how he was scared Nic was going to change but he was the same old Nic. It gave Nic a sense of normalcy that he enjoyed. He was still not completely back to normal but his siblings helped a lot. He still felt he had to distance himself because he got really annoyed with little things and he did not want to ruin any relationships. While on the beach with his family Nic describes the improvements in himself he is starting to feel from this getaway even knowing that the reality of LA will set in the next day. He  described, "Watching Karen, Daisy, and Jasper making pattens out of shells in the shore break, my dad reading farther back underneah a tree, I feel a certain calmness...In the past there's no way I would have been able to pull myself out of that spiral of negativity, anger, and hopelessness...Something has changed" (Sheff 204). He felt comfort again and not stuck living his life as a drug addict who is constantly battling to find his place and be happy. He was playing with his siblings on the beach and was telling them how happy he was to be back with them again. He tells them with tears pouring down his face how he is so happy to have escaped the depression he was stuck in. This part made me so happy and thankful that he was able to recover. When he started crying as he was playing it warmed my heart and was by far my favorite part of the book. My brother is my best friend, and I can't imagine being absent from my family for as long as he was. This part of the book is full of love and really appreciating the good and life itself.

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